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20 mm Infantry Sling Lace Gold Blue Mylar Braid Lace For Army, Military, Uniform Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
1914 Iron Cross Ribbon Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
11 mm Braid Naval Gold Metal Wire Lace Naval Braid Trim Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
B&s Lace 25 Mm Gold Mylar Braid Army, Military, Naval, Uniform Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
Braid Gold Metallic Trims Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
Gold Double Stripe Military Gold Bullion Lace Braid Trim Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
Golden Leaves Braid Gallon 30mm Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
14 mm Braid Silky Yellow and Silver Mylar trim Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
21mm Gallon Gold Metal Aged Braid Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
Braid white with gold Galloon Lace Braid trim tresse Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
Gold Naval Lace 14 mm Army, Military, Naval, Uniform, Costume, Fancy Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot
B & S Trim Braid Lace Border Crafting Ribbon Army, military, uniform, Military Braids,Laces,Trim,Tresse, Galon in Silver/Gold Metallic Wire, Mylar, silk, polyester. Silver / Gold and all various colors Available in all customized sized and colors Made in Pakistan, City Sialkot